Thursday, December 14, 2006

Me - popup!

Michael Verdi of FreeVlog kindly answered my query about an embeded video, suggesting three ways. I like option 3) especially since I may be able to use it for posting videos to my other sites - and it does not use a popup window. However 2) looks easy - and is! Michael's Ways:
1) Upload your videos to and have them automatically cross-post them to your blog. Use the thumbnail flipper option. (this video is a bit out of date)
2) You can use the Freevlog pop-up maker The video gets embeded but it's in a pop-up window.
3) You can try vPIP which is very cool but also pretty complicated.
So in the local venacular, Yer Tiz! Click on my picture below. {The herring was very tasty}


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